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Fitness Training

Nutrition Coach at Leading Upland Training Facility

At Life Performance Enhancement (LPE) in Upland, we take the process personally. With your very own nutrition coach, we focus on your holistic health. We invest in all of our clients—whether a reigning MVP or All-Star, firefighter, high school athlete, or active adult. As part of the LPE personal approach, each client meets individually with one of our certified nutrition coaches for a one-on-one nutrition coaching session to create a personalized plan that supports the clients’ nutritional needs, goals, and lifestyle. Following the initial consultation, support continues through training programs or individual nutrition programs—providing continued nutrition education, follow-up evaluations, and support strategies as needs and goals evolve.

Personalized Meal Plan with a Nutrition Coach

We understand your needs. That’s why we offer personalized meal plan services with a certified nutrition coach. Everyone has different goals, schedules, and lives. We understand that there isn't one nutrition strategy that works for everyone. Our staff works with you to create a customized strategy that best fits your goals and lifestyle—creating simple yet effective ways to ensure you're getting the proper nutrition your body needs to perform at its best daily. These strategies are built around any special dietary needs and can help those who find it hard to follow their nutrition plans while on the road. Whether you’re in La Verne, Claremont, San Dimas, or somewhere else in between, we provide one destination for all your nutrition needs.

Athletes Performance Nutrition

Athletes performance offers training, hydration, and nutrition strategies supported by customized supplementation plans as well as on-site food service offerings to ensure that all aspects of your performance nutrition plan will support your goals. Call Life Performance Enhancement today to discover what a personalized diet can do for your athletic performance.

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T (626) 670 1655 Schedule Your Free Session